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How a good business look can help you connect with your customers

Do you feel that despite the marketing, the customers don't know you and you don't know your customers, at least on a personal level? It could be a branding issue. A brand is a broad concept, one part of which is the corporate image. This blog focuses on how you can improve the connection between your company and your customers with a good visual appearance.

Your product or service is important, but people buy from people

What do I mean by this? People want to spend money on people or things they feel connected to. So bring out your own personality by being in your brand's communication. All activities should reflect company values, service quality, your company's unique perspective and personality. Your service and product are important, but especially in competitive industries, the final purchase decision goes to the person from whom they prefer to buy.

Creating an emotional connection can be approached from several angles, such as by creating a sense of community, fulfilling the customer's personal need or comfort, and addressing your customer in a more targeted manner so that your message resonates with customers on a deeper level. If, for example, your company's values ​​include recycling or an ethical production line, emphasize it in your marketing. So start by thinking about your company's values.

Choose colors with thought and not according to your favorite colors

In addition to strategic brand work, brand colors are a big factor in creating an emotional connection. The brain recognizes color first, before text and shape. Therefore, it has a special meaning in arousing emotions. In addition, research has shown that different colors have different associations and evoke certain emotions. One of the most famous examples is the McDonalds logo and its red and yellow. The color red has been studied increasing activity and raising heart rate. An increase in heart rate awakens the appetite. The color yellow is associated with happiness and light. In a simplified form, the logo attracts the customer to the restaurant and confirms that going there is a good decision.

A common mistake that I constantly encounter among entrepreneurs is that the first thing they say is their favorite colors when it's time for a logo or brand renewal. Remember that you are not selling products and services to yourself, but always think first about your target group and potential customer base. Colors are really important in marketing and should be used.

The business image is a comprehensive atmosphere creator

Corporate identity is not just colors and stock photos. From a young age, we have associated different visual elements with certain things. Therefore, by using an illustration of your target group's interests and values, you can create a stronger emotional connection with your customers. The examples of these are relatively clear-cut: With an eco-brand, using images presenting nature, wildlife and sustainability can create an emotional connection based on their common environmental concerns, while a fitness brand whose images emphasize healthy and active lifestyles can evoke feelings of strength, vitality and motivation in the target group.

Using images of individuals for your company is also a big factor in creating an image. Even if a generic stock photo looks new to you, your customer may have seen it many times at other companies. So seriously consider photographing your own staff and or otherwise making a personalized photo bank! Many photographers offer so-called illustration photos, i.e. stock photos similar to those in public libraries, but for example of your company's equipment or other individual factors, so that your company is clearly present in the photos even without staff. So if being a model excites you, these stock images are a viable option.

Don't neglect the letters!

In addition to images, the whole includes one often neglected area: typography. Such a seemingly small area that has a huge impact on how well your corporate image works and how your message reaches your target group. The fonts you choose should match the emotional benefits of your product or service. With the right typography, you can set the emotional tone of your business and create a certain mood or feeling. By choosing a font in the marketing material, you can immediately see whether it is aimed at young people, children, working people or big business bosses. For example, a brand that sells candy could use a font that looks like it was written by hand, creating a sense of fun and frolic associated with childhood memories.


Tell me who you are

Let's go back a bit to the brand strategy, because the corporate image is not separate from it. Through marketing, visibility increases and we can also talk about large numbers of visitors or clicks. However, it has been noticed that only 5% of those reached means, Beckon's according to the research result. So how to address your audience? When you think about your company's values ​​and hopes for it in the future, think about its story at the same time. Every entrepreneur has a story, why he started doing business; break it down and tell us about your mission.

Through a story, you can communicate your value and distinctiveness to your target group more easily. This way the customer knows who to buy from and commits to you and your company. Graphic design is also an important distinguishing factor in your story. Make use of illustrations, icons and typography so that your story speaks to your target group in the desired way. Visuals combined with a story help increase understanding, strengthen your brand and, through them, increase sales.

Graphic design and a strong visual look help in creating the right brand image. Visuality is an effective way to talk to the customer and help bring the brand message to life.

Call to action

Is it time for a new business look?

Book a free meeting and let's discuss how you could use graphic design in your company! Booking a palaver does not commit you to anything.


Milja here!

I am the entrepreneur and the only employee of Ihanilla. I focus on brand strategy, graphic design and websites.

In my blogs, I hope to expand people's preconceptions about graphic design and strategy work from small business' point of view.

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Purpose of use of personal data Rekisteriä käytetään asiakkaan tunnistautumiseen ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintaan. Rekisteröityneiden käyttäjien tilausten toimittamiseen ja asiakassuhteen ylläpitoon sekä kehittämiseen. Asiakkaan tietoja kerätään ja käsitellään asiakkaan suostumuksella. Henkilötietojen käsittelyn ja rekisterin käyttötarkoitus Henkilötietoja käsitellään vain ennalta määriteltyihin tarkoituksiin, jotka ovat seuraavat: ·        Asiakassuhteen hoitaminen ·        Palveluista kertomiseksi 4. Personal data to be stored in the register Asiakasrekisteri sisältää seuraavat tiedot: Yhteystiedot ·        nimi / y-tunnus ·        osoite ·        sähköposti ·        puhelinnumero ·        verkkolaskutustiedot Asiakastiedot ·        Tiedot ostetuista tuotteista ja palveluista ·        Yhteydenottojen ja asiakaskokemuksien kirjaaminen 5. Rights of the registered party Rekisteröidyllä on seuraavat oikeudet, joiden käyttämistä koskevat pyynnöt tulee tehdä osoitteeseen milja@ihanilla.com Right of access The registered party may check the personal data we have stored. Right of rectification The registered party may request the rectification of incorrect or incomplete data concerning them. Right to object The registered party may object to the handling of personal data if they believe that the personal data has been handled illegally. Right to opt out of direct marketing The registered party has the right to opt out of the use of data for direct marketing. Right to erasure Rekisteröidyllä on oikeus pyytää tietojen poistamista, jos tietojen käsittely ei ole tarpeen. Käsittelemme poistopyynnön, jonka jälkeen joko poistamme tiedot tai ilmoitamme perustellun syyn, miksi tietoja ei voida poistaa. On huomioitava, että rekisterinpitäjällä voi olla lakisääteinen tai muu oikeus olla poistamatta pyydettyä tietoa. Rekisterinpitäjällä on velvollisuus säilyttää kirjanpitoaineisto Kirjanpitolaissa (luku 2, 10 §) määritellyn ajan (10 vuotta) mukaisesti. Tämän vuoksi kirjanpitoon liittyvää aineistoa ei voida poistaa ennen määräajan umpeutumista. Withdrawal of consent Jos rekisteröityä koskeva henkilötietojen käsittely perustuu ainoastaan suostumukseen, eikä esim. asiakkuuteen tai jäsenyyteen, voi rekisteröity peruuttaa suostumuksen. Rekisteröity voi valittaa päätöksestä tietosuojavaltuutetulle Rekisteröidyllä on oikeus vaatia, että rajoitamme kiistanalaisten tietojen käsittelyä siksi aikaa, kunnes asia saadaan ratkaistua. Right of appeal Rekisteröidyllä on oikeus tehdä valitus tietosuojavaltuutetulle kantelu, jos hän kokee, että rikomme henkilötietoja käsitellessämme voimassa olevaa tietosuojalainsäädäntöä. Tietosuojavaltuutetun yhteystiedot:  www.tietosuoja.fi/fi/index/yhteystiedot.html 6. Regular sources of information Information is collected from the person themselves when the customer relationship is established and/or through an online form. Information is also collected using the Google Analytics analytics tool. Information is collected through cookies on the controller's website. 7. Regular disclosures of information Tietoja ei pääsääntöisesti luovuteta markkinointitarkoituksiin Ihanilla Oy:n ulkopuolelle. Luovutamme tietoja ainoastaan yhteistyökumppanillemme Webomir Oy:lle järjestelmän toimintojen ja muiden teknisten asioiden hoitamisen vaatimissa puitteissa. Webomir Oy on sitoutunut noudattamaan tietosuoja-asetuksen vaatimuksia eikä käytä tietoja markkinointitarkoituksiin. Olemme varmistaneet, että kaikki palveluntarjoajamme noudattavat tietosuojalainsäädäntöä. Käytämme säännönmukaisesti seuraavia palvelutarjoajia: ·        Mailchimp 8. Duration of processing Henkilötiedot säilytetään niin kauan, kun niitä tarvitaan asiakkaan kanssa tehtävän sopimuksen täytäntöönpanemiseksi tai asiakaspalvelun kehittämiseksi. Kuitenkin tietoja säilytetään enintään kaksi (2) vuotta rekisteröidyn ja Rekisterinpitäjän välisestä viimeisestä aktiivisesta tapahtumasta lukien. Tiedot poistetaan, kun niiden edellä määritelty säilytysaika on kulunut umpeen. Henkilötietoja voidaan tarvittaessa käyttää asiakassuhteen päättymisen jälkeen voimassa olevan lainsäädännön niin vaatiessa. Markkinointilistaltamme rekisteröity pääsee poistumaan itse jokaisessa lähettämässämme markkinointisähköpostissamme olevan linkin kautta. Lisäksi Rekisterinpitäjä toteuttaa kaikki kohtuulliset toimenpiteet sen varmistamiseksi, että käsittelyn tarkoituksiin nähden epätarkat, virheelliset tai vanhentuneet henkilötiedot oikaistaan tai poistetaan viipymättä. 9. Personal data processors The controller and its employees process personal data. In addition, Webomir Oy and its employees can process personal data in connection with IT support. We can also partially outsource the processing of personal data to a third party, in which case we guarantee through contractual arrangements that personal data will be processed in accordance with valid data protection legislation and otherwise appropriately. 10. Data transfer outside the EU Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area. 11. Automatic decision-making and profiling We do not use the data for automatic decision-making or profiling. Updated 27.1.2023
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Tilauksen sisältö:
> Verkkosivu-uudistus: Wordpress & Elementor Pro
> Hakukoneoptimointi
> Visuaalinen suunnitelma ennen toteutusta
> 3 korjauskierrosta
> 3 muokattavaa somepohjaa (Instagram ja facebook)
> Muokattava & tulostettava hinnasto A4

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